Independent Riders can roll with PICL, too!

If you don’t have a team near you and want to participate in League events, you can register with PICL as an Independent rider.

Independent riders get to take part in the events, and in cases where there is a team close by, “Indy” riders can practice and hang out with the team. At events, you will not wear the same uniform as the team, but you’ll be welcomed by the team in many other ways. And while independent riders will not be eligible for Team awards, you are eligible for Individual awards. All other rules apply.

To let us know you’re interested, please fill out the new rider form.

If you decide to sign up as an independent rider, we’ll invite you to Pit Zone to register and you’ll denote that you’re participating as an “independent” where appropriate during registration. If feasible, we’ll connect you with the closest team so you can get to know them.

Interested in setting up a team in your area? We would be happy to explore that with you, where you live, when the time is right for you.